DIY Marquees off excellent after sales advice and service

There is no doubt that hiring a marquee as an alternative to traditional venue hire, has become increasingly popular and serves as more than merely a place to for your guests to gather, offering a unique charm and ambiance which cannot be re-created in your usual brick and mortar venues. Any special occasion is made more memorable when you have a glamourous tent with all the trimmings to enhance the mood and make it an extra special event.

As industry renowned providers of marquees, we are often asked for Marquee hire advice, like best viable marquee sizes, what accessories or additions we have on offer, and about logistical issues such as how to heat a marquee, erect marquees and how to clean your marquee. Since marquees and their various components and uses are our lifeblood, we are always happy to assist our customers to find the perfect marquee for their various needs.

the diy party tent range

Good news is that whereas previously we only had supply of even length marquees (6x4m, 6x6m, 6x8m etc.) we have now extended our range and are able to supply “odd” length marquees in various sizes, which are listed on our website, thanks to our new 1m wide extension bays! While you are there, have a look at our stock of green marquees which offers a unique spin on the standard white marquee, while still offering the same quality as the best of range commercial grade marquees. Perfect for long-lasting sustained marquee hire.

DIY Marquees

DIY Marquees is invested in the longevity of their marquees for your use and so one of the most important tips that we can provide for marquee maintenance is ensuring that the marquee is kept as clean as possible and to avoid exposure to certain elements and substances. Cleaning of a marquee can take quite some time under normal circumstances, however if the marquee is exposed to certain situations, there is no choice but to put in the extra time to ensure that there is no long-term damage to the marquee. For example, if marquees are erected underneath trees, the fall-out from tree sap, or grim and dirt falling off the leaves which can be difficult to clean off, especially if it rains and the dust from the leaves transfers onto the marquee. While some stains can be removed from a simple wipe down, things like diesel and petrol can permanently stain PVC which is why exposure to substances such as these should be avoided at all costs. Another big issue is mould which can establish itself in the PVC itself if the marquee is packed away while still wet, so ensure that your marquee is stashed once fully dried to avoid long term problems.

Note that you are more likely to dirty the marquee in the process of dismantling or erecting it, than when it is standing erected. If you take care during these processes, the chances are likely that you might only have to clean the marquee once of twice in a season, which is, why we use high quality PCV and treat the marquees with lacquer to proactively ensure your marquee remains as low maintenance as possible.

Dukes of Daisy | Rent a Friend | Companion Service

Are you wondering if you have the guts to take a complete stranger to that awful 10 year school reunion that is looming? Wondering if it is worth it and if it beats the embarrassment of arriving on your own and sitting around hoping someone remembers you from all those years ago? Have all your mates already confirmed that they will be taking a date with them, leaving you feeling under-whelmed at the prospect and undecided as to whether you can face it?

Rent a Friend UK

But what if you ended up not going just because you were on your own for the night and ended up regretting it until the next reunion came around again, giving you a chance to redeem yourself? What if you miss out on a great opportunity to catch with people you haven’t seen in since before the pandemic all because you didn’t have the energy to pitch unhitched? What if you could take someone with you who was low-maintenance, with a great sense of humour, who was easy on the eyes and who understands that they would not be the focus of the evening? What if you could just rent a date?

Why not! More people than you realise are already doing and have been doing it successfully for events such as weddings, work “do’s” and family parties. Not only are other people doing it, but there are hundreds of local women who are able to help you out for the night and, to make it even better, you can hand pick them yourself, to suit the needs of the event that you are going to.

two mugs with coffee on table

Going home to gran who keeps asking about when you are planning to get married when all you want to do is focus on your career? Rent Karen… pretty, talented in the kitchen and loves picnics! Going to a business launch for the product you have been working on consistently 24/7 for the last 3 years, (which by the way is the reason you have no social life in the first place)? Time to shine … Rent Aleesha who lights up a room when she enters it, knows how to work a room and has a smile to light up the night. Best man at your mate from Uni’s wedding? Need someone independent and able to be social while you are busy with your best man duties but who will be there for the first dance? Rent Ann. Ann is a psychologist, a natural born socialite, from a large family of 7 siblings who knows exactly how family events can be!

Don’t stop living your life because you happen to not have a date at this stage of your life. No matter your age, whether you are male or female, looking for a male or female, there is someone from Dukes of Daisy who is happy to go along with you so that you can enjoy every occasion. When you rent a female date to keep you company there are no strings attached and its uncomplicated, agreed in advance so that you can relax and enjoy. What could be easier than that!



While many people spend little or no time thinking about the details surrounding their end of life, others are the exact opposite and have spent time and energy planning the details of their funeral or cremation.

Whether it be details relating to the distribution of your assets and finances, in the form of your last will and testament or how and where they would like to be laid to rest and in which style they would like to see their final send-off, to whether they would like to have the option of deciding how their last hours or minutes will be should they be medically unable to make these decisions for themselves by making use of a lasting power of attorney, some people just have it covered. If you are one of those people, then there is one funeral home, which has all the services you are looking for to make your plans a reality.


Lodge Brothers offer their unique My Funeral Wishes service, which is aimed at assisting clients who wish to plan the details of their funerals, with a substantial list of how to get that done, from start to finish. Utilising their decades of experience in the industry Lodge Brothers Funeral Directors near Godalming have designed their entire service to meet the needs of those clients who want to proactively pin down all the details, including the payment rates with interest free payment options, which allows clients to spread the cost, up to a maximum of three years, by direct debit. With a completely transparent approach to their service offerings, clients are guaranteed that there will be no hidden costs or hidden extras.

An easy to complete online questionnaire will help you to structure your perfect funeral or cremation, down to which hymns or music you would like to be played, to where you wish your ashes to be scattered, if that is what you wish, to what type of ceremony you would like, formal, informal, traditional or modern. Any of the details of the plan can be changed at any time, should the details need to be amended or upgraded and this service is something that can be bought and paid for by another person on behalf of a loved one or friend, making the My Funeral Wish concept one of the most unique of its kind throughout the UK. Lodge Brothers Funeral Directors near Clandon can be contacted directly to assist with queries relating to the details of the service.


It goes without saying that Lodge Brothers Funeral Directors near East Horsley would not have the distinguished reputation which they have earned over the past 240 years if they did not treat each and every funeral as importantly as their clients do. Time and again Lodge Brother funeral directors receive accolades for the quality of their service and depth of their professionalism and empathy shown to family and friends. Choosing a funeral plan has untold benefits which can reduce stress and anxiety when the time comes as well as costing less. Planning ahead gives clients the autonomy to ensure they have the funeral that they desire and protects their family of any unexpected surprises.

Let us help you safeguard your business from modern day threats

Information Technology encompasses all services relating to the use of computers and what is required to allow them to be able to perform their function, which is the processing, storage and exchanging of electronic information or data. Regardless of the industry or type of business, the chances are that whether you are office based or working remotely, it is in some way governed by IT. The service providers of information technology play a vital role in the day and life of any modern-day business, no matter the size. As a major player in your business, your choice of IT service provider will have a monumental impact on your business that is why you need to choose wisely. Knowall IT Support near Vauxhall have been recognised within industry as providing award-winning services for the way in which they manage the extensive IT services which they provide.

Listed below are the top services provided by Knowall IT

IT Support

Since inception, Knowall IT Support near Pimlico provide ground-breaking and innovative technology supporting customers by delivering high-performance managed services supported by “always-on” technology. Together with the 24/7 technical support team, Knowall IT proactively trouble-shoots any potential issues thereby ensuring customer projects and data remain accessible while guaranteeing faster response times.

Private Cloud

A private cloud solution offers the flexibility in addition to superior reliability and security. Delivered from ISO Certified UK Tier 3 Data Centres in the UK, directly to any organisation, Knowall provides robust, reliable and scalable solutions, tailoring each cloud solution to fit in with your business requirements, helping you achieve the most from the Cloud. Bespoke services ensure exclusive packages for any organisation’s unique requirements.


SwyxOn is a cloud-based unified PBX communication system which utilises VoIP to integrate with computers, mobiles and tablets to secure communications between your business and your client, offering crystal clear communications regardless of your location. SwyxOn provides accessibility consistently ensuring no missed client calls and minimising lost calls, leads or business opportunities. Especially effective for remote and hybrid workplace scenarios and for any business where flexibility is an important aspect for maintaining client communications. This web interfaced system is customisable and offers highly competitive cost-effective voice communication along with full contact & CRM integration options.

Offsite Backup

An offsite backup is a process or facility of backup that stores data and applications external to the organisation or central, primary IT environment. While offsite backup is indeed similar in function to a standard backup process, what it does is utilise a storage facility that is not physically located inside the enterprise’s main IT infrastructure. For almost all organisations, the backup of data and disaster recovery solutions are decidedly critical for the health and maintenance of the enterprise. Knowall IT off-site Cloud disaster recovery solutions centralise data backup and recovery on all computers distributed throughout an organization’s locations.

IT Support Near Wandsworth with a personal approach to customer services and proactive approach ensures you remain at the forefront of technology.

Lodge Brothers Lasting Power of Attorney Ashford | 020 3540 6658

A lasting power of attorney document serves as a legal instruction which allows you, the donor, to appoint someone, generally an attorney who has expertise and is permitted to provide legal advice, for the purpose of making decisions on your behalf when you are not able to, for instance should you become mentally or medically incapacitated. Lodge Brothers attorneys specialise in providing the Lasting Power of Attorney Guildford service and can direct you in setting up this legal document. There are 2 types of lasting power of attorney; one for health and welfare and the other for property and financial affairs and a donor has the choice to make use of either, or both types.

The first step to appoint your Lodge Brothers attorney who will provide you with the relevant paperwork to complete and advice you regarding the 2 types of lasting power of attorney Ashford which is available and what they cover. For example the Health and welfare power of attorney covers decisions pertaining to your daily care and lifestyle routines, medical care options, care home options and aspects relating to life-sustaining treatment such as which heroic measures or extraordinary procedures that you wish therapists to do in order to either save or extend your life when you are unable to provide instruction. All aspects relating these aspects are very personal and can make a monumental difference not only to your life, but the lives of your family members which is why engaging with a attorney for this purpose will simply the process and ensure that your choices are safeguarded.

Lodge Brothers Legal Services Fees Image

When it comes to property and financial affairs, the Lasting power of attorney Feltham will guide decisions relating to aspects of your bank, building society, account payments, benefit collection and the selling or distribution of your home and assets, allowing you to have the final say as to how these aspects should be managed. This, in conjunction with your last will and testament will ensure that your decisions about your estate and finances are executed legally and with no contest, before your departure, if you are no longer mentally or medically able to refer.

Once you have fully consulted with Lodge Brothers in terms of your options, the paperwork will be completed and lodged with the Office of the Public Guardian which can take to 20 weeks to be finalised, for which there is a nominal cost of (as per in 2022) £82.

If a Lasting power of attorney has not been registered at the point at which mental capacity is lost, a deputy will be appointed by the Court of Protection, however this complicated and costly process does not ensure that your personal wishes are met, however all legal aspects relating to a person’s care and well-being will be considered on an on-going basis, as required. The family will not be able to provide input as to what personal care should be or what decisions should be made regarding your finances. This can leave the family in a vulnerable position in the long run.

We can advise on making LPA’s, prepare the documents and deal with registration at the Office of the Public Guardian (“OPG”).

Contact Lodge Brothers Lasting power of attorney Woking and Lodge Brothers Lasting power of attorney Weybridge to speak to us and find out how we can assist you.

Yoni Massage in London is available from Mal Weeraratne

Start your tantric journey by first beginning to understand the connection between sacred sensuality and nature’s unique ability to provide healing to the body through balance and therapeutic body work. To do this, a person would need to develop first an intellectual understanding of sacred sensuality and then allow it to deepen into a heart-centred knowing that human beings are essentially born free and so too should they life free. A tantric journey begins when you begin to investigate the roots of tantra and the pioneering works of Mal Weerarantne which focusing on helping men and women to improve aspects of their lives and begin to live a life that resonates with them as they embark on the path to empowering themselves.

While Mal Weeraratne himself exudes passion for his life’s work, which is a practical and compassionate approach to healing the body-mind connection through sacred sensuality, the basis of his teachings stem from the ancient Indian healing arts associated with emotional release. So as the body can find a physical release through tantra, so too can it find an emotional release. Research shows that the release of negative emotions can occur when Sacred Spot massage is performed, releasing, renewing and cleansing the body. Despite the abundance of research by scientists and spiritual guru’s alike, the benefits of tantric healing and the art of tantra comes under the firing line of questions about how and why it is so effective. The efficacy and the healing ability has been experiencing and report by thousands who have come to the tantric journey in search of a more meaningful body-mind connection. Those who have experienced the emotional detox for themselves, attest to the powerful healing experiences they have felt first hand.

Mal Weeraratne explains that the body mind connection is the understanding of how the thoughts can affect the physical body at a cellular level. Thoughts can disrupt the body’s innate ability to produce hormones, chemicals and energy, which regulates a person’s health and well-being. Negative thoughts are particularly powerful in that can be responsible for disease in the body and mind. Engaging with tantric practices, facilitates the body with the releasing of the negative thoughts and emotions, bring the body back into balance as well as bring awareness to the mind of the powerful impact of positivity can have on the physical. In light of the sensitivity of the tantric journey and the power of the sacred sensuality, treatment with Mal Weeraratne is progressive. As the client and the practitioner become connected, first through talk therapy, followed later by body work such as mediation and massage, the client-practitioner relationship, based on respect and understanding, develops and builds to the point where an emotional release can be achieved. On-going therapy of this nature has been proven to sustain an improved outlook and safeguards against developing illness and disease of both body and mind. This, partnered with a healthy awareness of the emotional and physical aspects of sacred sensuality, has the capacity to strengthen physical and emotional relationships, alleviating emotional blockages and reducing risk of disease associated with imbalances and blockages.

Fruitland RCF1200 vacuum pump | IBS Blowers

As with any equipment within an organisation in the manufacturing industry, it is vital to compare recognise that cost isn’t always the most important aspect of your purchase of an Industrial Vacuum. Often the procurement person may well source the most cost-effective equipment, without basic understanding of the product’s requirements in the workplace, over-looking the fact that cheaper can also equate to less productive in certain instances. It is always best to compare apples to apples, so to speak, in terms of spec of your items and be mindful that cost is not always the most important factor.


Industrial Vacuums are required for a variety of heavy-duty processing methods for various applications in manufacturing. While the technology behind the standard vacuum pump has not changed significantly since its inception, conversely the quality of the equipment has! An item imported from a cheap competitor across the world may well save you money on your budget’s bottom-line, but without consistency and efficacy to maintain it, the product will not be as productive for your business at the end of the day. You do need to find the right vacuum for your organisations manufacturing and production needs.

IBS offer a vast range of industrial vacuums, such as industrial Portable Vacuum units, Side Channel blowers and vacuum pumps. There is stock of a large range of vacuums and pumps which are consistently available to choose from. One of the most popular and durable rotary vane vacuum pumps stocked is the Fruitland RCF1200 vacuum pump for use in environmental and heavy-duty industrial applications, the performance of which can be measured in terms of its ultimate pressure rating in Torr, mBar, or Pascal, with pumping speed in CFM, or cubic meters per hour. Heavy Duty High Performance Industrial Vacuums have the capacity for amassing a large variation of materials and can load at a high-level and consistent rate per hour.  Their technical spec includes approximate air flow of 630 CFM, maximum vacuum of 28.5” hg, pressure to 35 PSI and operating speed of 1000.

IBS offers the built for performance Hydrive Series Hydraulic Cooler Packs used for cooling hydraulic oil, usually in Hydraulic Power Packs but also on power washers, engines and anywhere there is boiling cooking oil which needs to be cooled. The ease of use and variety of the Hydrive Series Hydraulic Cooler Packs makes them effective across many industrial sectors. They typically have low operating costs and are simple to maintain. Made from stainless steel, to withstand the harshest conditions, with easy-to-read restriction gauge and easy-to-access reservoir drain, their compact size allows for easy installation on vehicles. Their technical spec includes an oil flow rate of 55 to 100 litres per minute, fan speed of 2800 rpm, heat dissipation rate of 10 Kw for 40 degrees C temperature rise and oil tank capacity of 10 litres.

Never let the perceived cost of innovation block your business’s success. IBS strives to keep the clients system or production line working smoothly and continuously assess advances in industrial blower technology and to which IBS tailors services so as to provide technical support for the newest as well as oldest machines.

Lodge Brothers takes care of your loved one with respect

When someone that you are particularly close to passes away, there will be an intense period of overwhelm, sadness and insecurity which a person can become engulfed by. Grieving the loss of a special person is difficult and takes time to process and to eventually accept over-come and adjust your life. Anyone who has experienced a major loss of any kind will recall the feelings that can completely envelop a person, leaving a person’s outlook bleak for an extended period of time.

Funerals involve a mixture of several seemingly immense logistical aspects that involve a fair amount of administration and decision-making. This on top of the mountain of emotions which will no-doubt arise may trigger feelings of stress and anxiety which may hamper the decision-making process.

Lodge Brothers Funeral Directors Teddington dedicate their days to bringing relief to their clients who reach out to them for assistance in both these areas. As a funeral director, it is imperative that the grieving family be treated with compassion and respect while they navigate their way through the long list of items, which need to be ticked off the list when they are saying farewell to their loved one. Any Lodge Brother Funeral Directors Slough that you encounter will be able to handle your situation with professionalism and with the compassion, which every family is entitled. Each situation is unique and so special attention is required for each situation.

Lodge Brothers Contact

Funerals can seem enormously overwhelming, especially for someone who has not experienced one before and depending on the closeness of the deceased to the individual, can be a daunting event. Some families have an attorney to assist them with the legalities of the funeral and that can be of great assistance to the family however this is not always necessary. A funeral directors Virgina Water is vital to consult with as their advice is invaluable and will help with the execution of the funeral. Nothing could be worse than the schedule, or itinerary, going wrong on one of the most important days a person could experience. It is with in mind that the experience and compassion provided by Lodge Brothers becomes most invaluable.

When your family is struggling with an impending passing of a loved one, contact Lodge Brothers and ask them for advice to help you to know what to expect, so that when the time comes, there is a plan in place to help you to negotiate your way through those tough first hours and days. Your funeral director will walk side by side as you move through the stages, from preparation to the last moment when it is time to move on after the day is done. The quality of service that you are guaranteed to expect when you chose Lodge Brothers, is what makes the Lodge Family difference and it is the same reason why families chose to return to us time and again, referring us to their friends and acquaintances. Find a Lodge Brothers branch near to you simply by clicking on the Branch Locator on our website.

Award Winning IT service provider focused on the provision of high quality managed cloud services

Any business who maintains a large client base with their products and services, knows that it is vital to keep that business current and engaged consistently and on a daily or on-going basis. The reason for this is obviously because if a business cannot stay in the main view of their clients, ensuring they provide a professional and competent service, there will be a hundred competitors who are willing to do what it takes to take the attention of your client and keep it engaged elsewhere. It has been said that most customers, be they companies or individuals, are not likely to change their service providers unless and until they are found to be severely wanting. With competition being so aggressive in this competitive and global market, a business is required to do more than just the minimum required to keep their customers from leaving. They are required to remain present and 100% reliable, all the time.

Knowall IT support near Soho is the very business partner that can assist you with ensuring that you keep your customers engaged and the front and centre focus of your team. After all, what is a business without its customers. A successful business which is able to provide the very products their client is looking for will always be guaranteed that their services remain vital and necessary which is the main reason why you need to engage with an IT service provider who is equal to the task.

A managed service provider with an “always up” reputation Knowall IT support near Paddington is London’s award-winning IT service provider. Imagine unlimited access to support services; imagine being able to engage with an IT engineer right there on your site within 1 hour of a need arising, at any time, 24/7. Imagine guaranteed immediate response times and real time system monitoring, supporting your business day in and day out. Imagine no longer, as Knowall IT support near Kensington has all this and more and can and will provide all of this not only day in and day out, but all year around.

Professional IT technicians are trained in customer care as well as being forerunners in their industry for their achievements and abilities in the industry, which is well known for its leading-edge reputation. Companies in the IT Industry must, above all else, ensure the best and latest technologies are available to customers who require leading edge high-performance, tailored and secure hosted services and support to keep themselves current in the eyes of their clients.

Knowall IT specialises in Cloud Computing, Hosting Solutions, Unified Communications, Managed Services, Infrastructure as a Service, Professional Services, Web Marketing & SEO, Sage Hosting, Application Hosting as well as IT Support making them not only award winning, but able to give their clients all of the services that any company, small, medium or large, would need to make their business a success and always accessible. Engaging with an IT professional like those employed at Knowall IT guarantees your business best of industry professionalism and expertise.

IBS pride themselves for their Excellent Service

Industrial Blower Services, known as IBS, is a company that supplies and distributes a large variety of premium brands of industrial blowers, vacuums and pumps. This specific category of Industrial equipment is used extensively across a comprehensive number of diverse industries and are popular because of the specific function they provide. Vacuums, pumps and blowers are required for the positive displacing of air or water, which in turn permits the removal of air or gas molecules from a sealed volume, thereby creating a vacuum allowing air or water to flow through the void that has been created.


While this technological application may well be one of the oldest manufacturing and engineering processes to still be in use today (stemming from as early as the 1st Industrial revolution), the successful application of this process across such a variety of industries is evident in the value which is added to many production environments. Pumps and vacuums, commonly found in use in commercial, chemical, food processing, medical, petro-chemical and the water supply industries, are as invaluable as they are long-lasting and when properly installed and utilised, hardy rivalries against sustainable wear and tear.



Vacuums, pumps and blowers are said to be the stalwarts of many an industry and IBS are equally known and respected for range of pump and vacuum solutions, which are available and ready to ship to your company at any given time. As such your business will always have at its fingertips, the ability to both avoid and prevent unplanned production time, which may result from incorrect or poorly functioning equipment. Lead and turn-around times can be minimised when using IBS as your service provider. Should your organisation rely on minimal disruption to production, regardless of whether in your replacement cycle or within a servicing cycle, IBS is the provider who can provide the means to ensure that. IBS offers a Service Exchange Blower Plan which enables production to continue during servicing cycles, reducing loss of production time as well as costs. In addition, unexpected downtime can be speedily attended to by a professional process engineer who will be able to provide and install new or replacement industrial blowers.

As experts in process engineering, IBS can deliver your organisation the full service from initial surveys and reports, to the drafting of designs and implementation of contracts for new and once-off installations. Providing a full and inclusive turnkey project solution, custom designed for your business requirements and project budget. Projects including storage, silo’s, mechanical, pneumatic and vacuum conveying system process handling, are available from the IBS Engineer, as well as electrical and mechanical plant overhauling and refurbishment for existing plants and installation of new or developing plants.

IBS Process Engineer’s professional services partnered with their vast knowledge of the large range of well-known, branded products, which IBS on-site stock, means that any product, including Reconditioned Blowers and Road Tanker Equipment is available for clients at short or little notice. Ready to ship to your company at any given time, your business will never lose production because of lack of availability of functional equipment because of either unplanned or planned maintenance and servicing. Companies know where to turn with assurance when in need of the exact industrial pumps, vacuum and blowers.